Between residential heating and air conditioning systems and commercial ones, there are a lot of similarities. However, there are also a lot of differences. In fact, the differences between the two are the reason why you should look for a commercial HVAC company when you're having a commercial unit installed or when you need to have repairs done to your commercial unit. If you're wondering about the differences, you should know that these are some of the things that set commercial and residential HVAC units apart.
1. Commercials Units Are Typically Much Larger and More Powerful
One of the first things that differs between residential and commercial HVAC systems is the sizing. Many residential HVAC units are pretty small. In fact, even if you are having a unit installed in a large home, the unit is still probably going to be smaller than your average commercial unit. Not only are commercial units often larger than residential units, but they are also typically much more powerful. They also have to be made in a way that ensures that they are durable enough to keep up with the tough workload since they are often worked a lot harder.
2. Commercial Systems May Have More Zones
A home might have more than one zone, but the number of different zones for heating and cooling is typically limited. For example, you might have an upstairs zone and a downstairs zone. With commercial heating and air conditioning, however, you may have multiple zones to keep different parts of the building at different temperatures.
3. Commercial Systems Are Often Installed on the Roof
Typically, residential air conditioning systems are installed on the ground level of the home. Although some commercial HVAC systems are installed on the ground outside of the building, this often is not the case. For example, commercial systems are often installed on the roof. This is a popular option for many business owners for a few reasons: for one thing, it helps prevent theft or tampering of the unit. Plus, since these units are large and many businesses have limited property space, they don't take up any of this limited space if they are installed on the roof.
Not only is the installation process obviously different when a unit is being installed on the roof, but the repair process is different as well. Commercial HVAC installers and repair technicians will typically have the ladders, safety harnesses, and other essential equipment for installing or working on rooftop HVAC systems. Many residential installers and technicians will not install a unit on the roof or work on a rooftop unit because they lack the necessary experience and equipment.
Call a commercial air conditioning service to learn more.